One to One Coaching

Creating positive change

I believe every one of us can create positive change in the world, on some scale. Find something you can do, then do it, and just keep moving forward. If you need help with that, find the right resource - a friend, a mentor, a coach, Phoenix. #humanity_to_wk

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." -Charles Swindoll It's easy to play the victim in today's world - "They did this to me" or "Why does this always happen to me?" or "It's not   my fault". This mindset is self-limiting and disempowers you, and frankly leaves you feeling weak and helpless. What would happen if you took full responsibility for everything that happens to and around you? If instead you asked questions like "What can I learn from this?" or "What can I do with this now it's happened?" or "What's my next step, now?" or even "How can I turn this around into something useful?" Notice how liberating and empowering this new mindset can be. Sure, it's okay to take a moment to express a frustration. Then get over it, move on and choose your new path forward. That's how you create the life you want and feel more positive. When I took responsibility, it changed my life.  Or more accurately, I changed my life, career and whole outlook.  I still have moments of weakness and indulgent self-pity - and mostly, after a very brief wallow, I get up, face forward and decide 'What's next?' Try it out for yourself and let us know how you find it.

Race for Life – Cancer Research UK

It's not everyday I say I'll run a race. I really don't enjoy running and am not yet very good at it (I can only run for around 3 minutes at a time as I write).  But Race for Life raises money for Cancer Research UK - and I'd say that brings some Humanity to Work.  And that's what I'm here to do..... So on 21st June I'll be donning my trainers, pushing through some mental and physical barriers and running (mostly) the Race for Life.  I'm already learning a lot about myself as I do some training.... and I know there will be some lessons on the day.  Human beings are amazing, powerful beings. I know that the sea of humanity and encouragement will carry me a long way on the day.  And the thought that the money raised might help prevent one premature death from cancer.... well that makes the effort more than worth it. If you'd like to sponsor me, you can find my page on Bringing Humanity to Work. Thank you.  Jo.

Effective Goal Setting

It’s a New Year! Time to make those resolutions—or is it?  Effective Goal Setting New Year’s resolutions...they are a waste of time and I don’t make them! Why? “Resolutions” made at   a time when social pressure and an arbitrary date in the diary dictate that we “should” decide things, are doomed from the start. A controversial viewpoint, you may think? Well, let’s start with the facts: -          Around 43% of people make New Year’s resolutions. -          Of those, close to 4 in 10 have broken them by the end of January, while a further third only keep them up for six months.[1]   I have a theory as to why. First, New Year’s resolutions are made using our conscious mind—the logical front brain part—which, like a captain of a ship, sets the direction for the crew. I’ll come back to the crew in a moment. Secondly, most of the time New Year’s resolutions are not actually goals. How many of us set New Year’s resolutions like, “I’ll go to the gym three times a week,” or “I’ll give up smoking” or “I’ll create a better work-life balance”? These are not goals. Why not? A goal is an outcome, not the thing or action you do to get the outcome.  Sometimes the actions themselves may not excite us, but a great goal should! So ask yourself why do you want to go to the gym three times a week? What will stopping smoking really do for you? Getting the right higher level goal can be a powerful motivator and push you through the actions you’ll need to take in order to succeed. In the example—“I’ll create a better work-life balance”—what does a “better work-life balance” [...]

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